I Have Jenkins job that asks for IP Address
$ip = $env:Lan_ip
what the user enter goes to $ip
now $ip
is for Example
now I'm trying to insert this variable to FortiGate SSH
Invoke-SshCommand $Firewall -command ‘config system interface
edit port1
set ip $ip
but he can not read the $ip
I need to make it like INT separate with .
im getting this Error
node_check_object fail! for ip $ip
how can i convert the sting im getting from the user when he enter the ip address in for example --> to usable variable in the code
From what I gather from here is that you need to give the subnet mask as a CIDR-formatted subnet mask like
To get that CIDR value off a subnet IP address, you can use this function:
function Get-SubnetMaskLength ([string]$SubnetMask) {
# $cidr = Get-SubnetMaskLength "" --> 20
$result = 0
[IPAddress]$ip = $SubnetMask
foreach ($octet in $ip.GetAddressBytes()) {
while ($octet) {
$octet = ($octet -shl 1) -band [byte]::MaxValue
$subNet = ''
$cidr = Get-SubnetMaskLength $subNet # --> 24
$subNetAndCidr = '{0}/{1}' -f $subNet, $cidr # -->
P.S. Always use straight quotes instead of the curly thingies ‘
and ’
in code!