i'm trying to make a chrome extension that keeps the controls always visible on a youtube video within the native youtube page.
so far i have this js
$(document).ready(function() {
but removing the ytp-autohide class stops the timer/bar progress and i cant figure out how to instead activate the showcontrols function via js mouseover or somesuch.
can i keep the progress bar & time going somehow or alternately recreate the mouseover showcontrols function with js?
August 2024
This actually works pretty fine in a userscript app (like TamperMonkey) or simply pasted as-is in the console.
setInterval(() => {
// Keep controls visible
const container = document.querySelector('#movie_player')
// Getting played time
const video = document.querySelector('.video-stream')
const hours = Math.floor(video.currentTime / 3600)
let minutes = Math.floor(video.currentTime / 60) - (hours * 3600)
let seconds = Math.round(video.currentTime % 60)
if(seconds < 10){ seconds = `0${seconds}` }
if(hours > 0 && minutes < 10){ minutes = `0${minutes}` }
// Displaying played time
const timeDisplay = document.querySelector('.ytp-time-current')
timeDisplay.innerText = `${(hours > 0 ? `${hours}:` : '')}${minutes}:${seconds}`
// Progress bar
const percentagePlayed = video.currentTime / video.duration
const progressBar = document.querySelector('.ytp-play-progress')
progressBar.style = `left: 0px; transform: scaleX(${percentagePlayed})`
// Buffered bar
const percentageBuffered = video.buffered.end(0) / video.duration
const bufferedBar = document.querySelector('.ytp-load-progress')
bufferedBar.style = `left: 0px; transform: scaleX(${percentageBuffered})`
}, 10)
It also works fullscreen ;)
January 2021's answer (Not working anymore)
That would be:
let video = document.querySelector("#movie_player")
video.dispatchEvent(new Event('mousemove'));
So you where not targeting the right element and you where not triggering the event correctly.