Symfony 4 & KnpPaginatorBundle. I have a stock table with the same model many times. I would like to do something like this in my Repository:
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder(...);
$query = $query->andWhere(.....);
$query = $query->addGroupBy(brand, model);
$query = $query->addOrderBy(brand, model);
return $query;
The skeleton of what I wish I had
After treatment in KnpPaginatorBundle The problem that I want to return multiple Fields.. (And i think the id pose a problem)
A bit like that : (It works as I want)
$conn = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection();
$sql = 'SELECT objet,marque,type FROM stock GROUP BY objet,`type`,marque ORDER BY marque,type';
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
return $stmt->fetchAllAssociative():
But I would like to use the coding from above ..
Sorry for my aproximative English ;-)
Thank you for your interest! Here is my answer for my problem :
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');