Looking for a code or OS library to read RAW 12 using Java / C# / Python and to save in some common used format - JPG, GIF, PNG. Trying a following code:
import numpy
from PIL import Image
import rawpy
input_file = 'c:\\IdeaProjects\\raw12\\IT8-chart-15ms.raw12'
npimg = numpy.fromfile(input_file, dtype=numpy.uint16)
imageSize = (2048, 1536)
npimg = npimg.reshape(imageSize)
Exception has occurred: ValueError cannot reshape array of size 9437184 into shape (2048,1536)
output_file = 'converted.tiff'
Image RAW12 source
The dimensions (2048, 1536) are not correct in your case, I tried 3072*3072 and here is the result:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
input_file = "IT8-chart-5ms.raw12"
npimg = np.fromfile(input_file, dtype=np.uint16)
# print(npimg.shape)
imageSize = (3072,3072)
npimg = (npimg.reshape(imageSize)).astype(np.uint8)
plt.imshow(npimg, cmap='gray')