
InvalidChangeBatch 400: "" is not a valid hosted zone id. is not a valid encrypted identifier when attempting to add A record to existing domain

I am attempting to point my domain to my S3 bucket

When I attempt to create an A record on my domain I get the following error in Route53 console:

Error occurred
Alias Target contains an invalid value.
(InvalidChangeBatch 400: "" is not a valid hosted zone id. is not a valid encrypted identifier)

enter image description here

I note that when I select "ap-southeast-2" my "bowls-holdingpage" bucket doesn't pre-populate even although it's definitely in that region and setup to host a static site. It is hosting the site on the default S3 endpoint URL, but I am trying to switch it over to add an A record on my domain.

Where am I going wrong here?


  • I had this problem as well. I did have the bucket named the same as the domain.

    What I found was about an hour after I had created the bucket, it suddenly became available in the 'Choose S3 bucket' drop down.

    Another thing I missed on the bucket set up was at first I didn't enable static website hosting in 'Static website hosting'.