
Passing environment variables to tests in Visual Studio 2019

Seems like a pretty trivial question, but to my surprise I found no mention of this on the web.

I've got an Nunit test project (that someone else wrote and I don't want to change too much), that I need to debug. These tests depend on environment variables that they read using Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable.

My question is: is there a way I can pass environment variables when debugging tests in Visual Studio?

I know I can pass environment variables when I debug an executable project through Project Properties->Debug, but this doesn't take effect when running tests (e.g. via Test Explorer). I also know I can pass test parameters through a .runsettings files, but these are accessible only through the TestContext class.


  • I also know I can pass test parameters through a .runsettings files, but these are accessible only through the TestContext class.

    You can also specify environment variables in the .runsettings file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <YOUR_VARIABLE>Value for your variable</YOUR_VARIABLE>
                <SOME_OTHER_VARIABLE>With another Value</SOME_OTHER_VARIABLE>

    Alternatively (if you need to run code or calculate the value) you can implement a DataCollector which provides environment variables via ITestExecutionEnvironmentSpecifier

    // Add a reference to nuget package `Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel`
    // The assembly name must end with `Collector` (i.e. match `*collector.dll`)
    [DataCollectorFriendlyName("my own example collector")]
    public class MyDataCollector : DataCollector, ITestExecutionEnvironmentSpecifier
        public override void Initialize(
            XmlElement configurationElement,
            DataCollectionEvents events,
            DataCollectionSink dataSink,
            DataCollectionLogger logger,
            DataCollectionEnvironmentContext environmentContext)
            // inspect configurationElement for your custom settings
        public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> GetTestExecutionEnvironmentVariables()
            return new Dictionary<string, string>
                ["YOUR_VARIABLE"] = "your value",

    You also configure your data collector via the .runsettings file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <DataCollector friendlyName="my own example collector" uri="datacollector://myown/examplecollector/1.0">