I thought this would be easy, but still can't find an easy solution. I simply want to set the page title (and document.title) to a specified string that I choose. I know I can access useLocation and get the current route, but that doesn't work with logical human naming. For example, my route might be /new but I want the title of the page to be 'Add New Thing'. Notice that I've added a new prop for the page title that seems like a logical place to add it (then use a useEffect to pull it), but can't figure out how to access this prop.
If this isn't the correct way, how would you do this? Should I instead setup a dictionary/lookup for the current url(useLocation) and assign a human page title?
Main goal: If someone DIRECTLY hits a URL '/new' how would you set the title?
My current structure is from a base create react app.
In my index.js
<App />
<div className="quiz-app-row">
<SideBarNav />
<div className='quiz-app-col'>
<Route exact component={Home} path="/" title='home' />
<Route exact component={Example} path="/manage" title='example' />
<Route exact component={CreateQuiz} path="/new" title='New Quiz' />
Thanks all for the responses, but I feel most of them seem to be overkill for what I'm trying to accomplish, and no extra package needed. Instead, I just created a lookup collection and assigned the title that way. I will only have ~7 links total, so this seems manageable.
const [pageTitle, setPageTitle] = useState('Home');
const titleMap = [
{path: '/', title:'Home'},
{path: '/manage', title:'Manage'},
{path: '/new', title:'New Quiz'}
let curLoc = useLocation();
useEffect(() => {
const curTitle = titleMap.find(item => item.path === curLoc.pathname)
if(curTitle && curTitle.title){
document.title = curTitle.title
}, [curLoc])