I want to search for an unknown user based on the username.
I am using the SearchContacts
method from this library. Based on the method signature, the first argument should be a string
that represents the query. Unfortunately, I cannot find any documentation on how the query has to be formatted.
Below you can find my code snippet:
contacts, err := telegramClient.SearchContacts(fmt.Sprintf("username=%s", username), 1)
According to the documentation:
// SearchContacts Searches for the specified query in the first names, last names
// and usernames of the known user contacts
// @param query Query to search for; may be empty to return all contacts
// @param limit The maximum number of users to be returned
func (client *Client) SearchContacts(query string, limit int32) (*Users, error) {
// ...
It looks like that function does not search for unknown users, but only for known user contacts
It does not look like there is a method to search for unknown users.