I am running a SQL query and need to pull a machine name out of the field. The results have multiple entries separated by semicolons. I only care about the value for Server=PCName\SQL_Instance. The values I'm working with look like...
The server= will always contain my PC name (local Access DB install) and they will all be the same even though there re multiple lines. I really only need to get the name once. And while I already split the values by the ; my brain is too fried to figure out how to get the server name from the results. I'm sure this is painfully obvious as the value is handed to you on a platter but I'm not that smart to even be able to figure out how to search the answer.
You can use StartsWith("Server") to filter out the required object, then throw in another split on "=" and "/", probably easier with RegEx, but I like splits e.g.:
$string = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=PCName\SQL_Instance;SomeOtherCrap=moreWords;ThisGoes=OnAndOn"
$string.Split(";") | Where {$_.startswith("Server")}
($string.Split(";") | Where {$_.startswith("Server")}).split("=")[1].split("\")[0]