I started to use termux in my cellphone, and looking for information I find that I can install hydra in it. However, when I use the comand
pkg install hydra
All I get is an error message as you can see in the title. I've tried to update and upgrade the system several times, but I'm still getting the same error.
So, I wonder... is there a chance that this library has another name? (I said it because I've seen other comments with the same error in other posts)
So please, can you help me to solve this? Additionaly, I upload 2 pictures: the first one with the error message I get. The second one is some information that I think I might help (when I seach for that command 'hydra', it seems to be not found).
Thanks in advance.
As you can see here Hydra package has been removed from Termux repositories and no longer installable.