I've been trying to change match_char function to accept only JSON messages when reading data from a socket.
I have 2 implementations (one does not work and the other one works but I don't think it's efficient).
1- First approach (working)
typedef boost::asio::buffers_iterator<boost::asio::streambuf::const_buffers_type> buffer_iterator;
static std::pair<buffer_iterator, bool> match_json2(const buffer_iterator begin,
const buffer_iterator end) {
buffer_iterator i = begin;
while (i != end) {
if ((*i == ']') || (*i == '}')) {
return std::make_pair(i, true);
return std::make_pair(i, false);
With this definition, I read in a loop and reconstruct the json. This is a working version, but if I receive a message different from a valid json, I stay in the loop, can't clear tmp_response and never recover from it...
std::string read_buffer_string() {
std::string response;
bool keepReading = true;
while (keepReading) {
std::string tmp_response;
async_read_until(s, ba::dynamic_buffer(tmp_response), match_json2, yc);
if (!tmp_response.empty()) {
response += tmp_response;
if (nlohmann::json::accept(response)) {
keepReading = false;
return response;
Second approach (not working). Ideally I would like something like this one (this implementation doesn't work because begin iterator doesn't always point to the start of the message - I guess some data is already been transferred to the buffer-, and therefore match_json returns invalid values.
static std::pair<buffer_iterator, bool> match_json(const buffer_iterator begin,
const buffer_iterator end) {
buffer_iterator i = begin;
while (i != end) {
if ((*i == ']') || (*i == '}')) {
std::string _message(begin, i);
std::cout << _message << std::endl;
if (nlohmann::json::accept(_message)) {
return std::make_pair(i, true);
return std::make_pair(i, false);
And then call it like this:
std::string read_buffer_string() {
std::string response;
async_read_until(s, ba::dynamic_buffer(response), match_json, yc);
return response;
Does anybody now a more efficient way to do it? Thanks in advance! :)
Of course, right after posting my other answer I remembered that Boost has accepted Boost JSON in 1.75.0.
It does stream parsing way more gracefully: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_75_0/libs/json/doc/html/json/ref/boost__json__stream_parser.html#json.ref.boost__json__stream_parser.usage
It actually deals with trailing data as well!
stream_parser p; // construct a parser
std::size_t n; // number of characters used
n = p.write_some( "[1,2" ); // parse some of a JSON
assert( n == 4 ); // all characters consumed
n = p.write_some( ",3,4] null" ); // parse the remainder of the JSON
assert( n == 6 ); // only some characters consumed
assert( p.done() ); // we have a complete JSON
value jv = p.release(); // take ownership of the value
I would also submit that this could be a better match for a CompletionCondition
: see https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_75_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/read/overload3.html
Here's an implementation that I tested with:
template <typename Buffer, typename SyncReadStream>
static size_t read_json(SyncReadStream& s, Buffer buf,
boost::json::value& message, boost::json::parse_options options = {})
boost::json::stream_parser p{{}, options};
size_t total_parsed = 0;
boost::asio::read(s, buf, [&](boost::system::error_code ec, size_t /*n*/) {
size_t parsed = 0;
for (auto& contiguous : buf.data()) {
parsed += p.write_some(
boost::asio::buffer_cast<char const*>(contiguous),
contiguous.size(), ec);
total_parsed += parsed;
return ec || p.done(); // true means done
message = p.release(); // throws if incomplete
return total_parsed;
Adding a delegating overload for streambufs:
template <typename SyncReadStream, typename Alloc>
static size_t read_json(SyncReadStream& s,
boost::asio::basic_streambuf<Alloc>& buf,
boost::json::value& message,
boost::json::parse_options options = {})
return read_json(s, boost::asio::basic_streambuf_ref<Alloc>(buf), message, options);
This demo program adds the test-cases from earlier as well as a socket client with some benchmark statistics added. Arguments:
to run the tests instead of the socket clientstreambuf
to use the streambuf overload instead of std::string
dynamic buffercomments
to allow comments in the JSONtrailing_commas
to allow trailing commas in the JSONinvalid_utf8
to allow invalid utf8 in the JSON#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
int main() {
std::string const s =
"? 8==2 : true ! false"
"? 9==3 : 'book' ! 'library'";
using expression = std::string;
using ternary = std::tuple<expression, expression, expression>;
std::vector<ternary> parsed;
auto expr_ = x3::lexeme [+~x3::char_("?:!")];
auto ternary_ = "?" >> expr_ >> ":" >> expr_ >> "!" >> expr_;
std::cout << "=== parser approach:\n";
if (x3::phrase_parse(begin(s), end(s), *x3::seek[ ternary_ ], x3::space, parsed)) {
for (auto [cond, e1, e2] : parsed) {
<< " condition " << std::quoted(cond) << "\n"
<< " true expression " << std::quoted(e1) << "\n"
<< " else expression " << std::quoted(e2) << "\n"
<< "\n";
} else {
std::cout << "non matching" << '\n';
With test
----- valid test cases
Testing {} -> Success {}
Testing {"a":4, "b":5} -> Success {"a":4,"b":5}
Testing [] -> Success []
Testing [4, "b"] -> Success [4,"b"]
----- incomplete test cases
Testing { -> (incomplete...)
Testing {"a":4, "b" -> (incomplete...)
Testing [ -> (incomplete...)
Testing [4, " -> (incomplete...)
----- invalid test cases
Testing } -> syntax error
Testing "a":4 } -> Success "a" -- remaining `:4 }`
Testing ] -> syntax error
----- excess input test cases
Testing {}{"a":4, "b":5} -> Success {} -- remaining `{"a":4, "b":5}`
Testing []["a", "b"] -> Success [] -- remaining `["a", "b"]`
Testing {} bogus trailing data -> Success {} -- remaining `bogus trailing data`
With socket client some demos:
Mean packet size: 16 in 2 packets
Request: 28 bytes
Request: {"a":4,"b":"5"} bytes
Remaining data: "bye
took 0.000124839s, ~0.213899MiB/s
With a large (448MiB) location_history.json:
Mean packet size: 511.999 in 917791 packets
Request: 469908167 bytes
(large request output suppressed)
took 3.30509s, ~135.59MiB/s
¹ linking non-header only libraries is not supported on Compiler Explorer