I'm trying to get a test app working with the AWS single sign-on service. When I hit the SSO login url and enter my credentials, it logs in fine, but then Amazon displays the error:
Requeest nameID format does not match our record
My request contains:
<samlp:NameIDPolicy Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress" AllowCreate="true" />
and the IdP metadata xml that Amazon comes up with for my app has a blank <md:NameIDFormat/>
tag. I'm guessing that has something to do with it. However, I'm not seeing anywhere, in the Amazon UI, where the nameIDFormat
can be specified.
My questions:
that my AWS SSO app accepts? This is assuming the blank <md:NameIDFormat/>
is (part of the) issue. Maybe that has nothing to do with the issue, in which case:You can change NameID format at AWS SSO "Applications" page:
as attribute value (second column) and select necessary NameID format in third column.Once this will be done you can send a corresponding NameID format by NameIDPolicy tag:
BTW : by using a NameIDPolicy tag, SP requests from IdP a corresponding NameID format (email, transient, persistent etc.). Your AWS IdP doesn't have a requested mapping and don't know what should be returned by default or what is allowed and throws an error you see.