
prolog Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated error

I have to write a prolog query to print family details of each family where children’s total income is more than their parents, I've written but I'm getting this error

Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
   [3] _1770 is _1776+0
   [2] totalx([person(_1844,_1846,_1848,...)],_1834) at  line 50
   [1] '<meta-call>'((...,...)) <foreign>

This is the base code:

family(person( john, cohen, date(17,may,1990), unemployed), person( lily, cohen, 
date(9,may,1990), unemployed),[ ] ).
family(person( john, armstrong, date(7,may,1988), unemployed), person( lily, Armstrong, 
date(29,may,1961), unemployed), [ ] ).
family(person( eric, baily, date(7,may,1963), works( bbc, 2200)), person( grace, baily, 
date(9,may,1965), works( ntu, 1000)), [person( louie, baily, date(25,may,1983), unemployed) ] ).
family(person( eric, baily, date(7,may,1963), works( acc, 21200)), person( grace, baily, 
date(9,may,1965), works( ntnu, 12000)), [person( louie, baily, date(25,may,1983), unemployed) ] ).
family(person( eric, fox, date(27,may,1970), works( bbc, 25200)), person( grace, fox, 
date(9,may,1971), works( ntbu, 13000)), [person( louie, fox, date(5,may,1993), unemployed) ] ).

    husband(X) :- family(X, _, _).
    wife(X) :- family(_, X, _).
    child(X) :- family(_, _, Children), member(X, Children).

    salary(person(_, _, _, works(_, S)), S).
    salary(person(_, _, _, unemployed), 0).

This is my code for the requirement:

    50-Sum is S+Rest

And the query for the requirement:

totalx([Wife],IWife),IChildren > IHusband+IWife.

can someone explain to me why it doesn't work?


  • There are two errors in your code.

    family(person(john, cohen, date(17,may,1990), unemployed),
           person(lily, cohen, date( 9,may,1990), unemployed),
    family(person(john, armstrong, date( 7,may,1988), unemployed),
           person(lily, armstrong, date(29,may,1961), unemployed), % lowercase
    family(person(eric,  baily, date(7,may,1963), works( bbc, 2200)),
           person(grace, baily, date(9,may,1965), works( ntu, 1000)),
           [person( louie, baily, date(25,may,1983), unemployed)]).
    family(person(eric,  baily, date(7,may,1963), works( acc, 21200)),
           person(grace, baily, date(9,may,1965), works( ntnu, 12000)),
           [person(louie, baily, date(25,may,1983), unemployed)] ).
    family(person(eric,  fox, date(27,may,1970), works( bbc, 25200)),
           person(grace, fox, date( 9,may,1971), works( ntbu, 13000)),
           [person(louie, fox, date(5,may,1993), unemployed)] ).
    husband(X) :- family(X, _, _).
    wife(X) :- family(_, X, _).
    child(X) :- family(_, _, Children), member(X, Children).
    salary(person(_, _, _, works(_, S)), S).
    salary(person(_, _, _, unemployed), 0).
    totalx([], 0).
    totalx([Person|L],Sum) :-
        salary(Person, S),
        totalx(L, Rest),
        Sum is S + Rest.


    ?- family(Husband,Wife,Children), totalx(Children,IChildren),totalx([Husband],IHusband),totalx([Wife],IWife),IChildren > IHusband+IWife.

    The query fails because there is no family where the children earn more than their parents. However, removing that constraint, the query works properly and produces some answers.

    ?- family(Husband,Wife,Children), totalx(Children,IChildren),totalx([Husband],IHusband),totalx([Wife],IWife).
    Husband = person(john, cohen, date(17, may, 1990), unemployed),
    Wife = person(lily, cohen, date(9, may, 1990), unemployed),
    Children = [],
    IChildren = IHusband, IHusband = IWife, IWife = 0 ;
    Husband = person(john, armstrong, date(7, may, 1988), unemployed),
    Wife = person(lily, armstrong, date(29, may, 1961), unemployed),
    Children = [],
    IChildren = IHusband, IHusband = IWife, IWife = 0 