
While connecting telnet I got errors like "556 5.7.5 Invalid RFC missing body"

I tried to verify an email address using SMTP for all mailboxes it's working fine except for Yahoo email ID. While connecting telnet I got errors like "556 5.7.5 Invalid RFC missing body". enter image description here


  • Welcome to Stack Overflow, Jayashree.

    The error message you are receiving is related to your test email not having a body part. The body part begins immediately after 2 <CRLF><CRLF> following the Content-Transfer-Encoding.

    It begins at Good morning. and ends at P | 999.555.1234

    Below is a complete example of a properly formatted text/plain email.

    To: "Jane Doe" <>
    From: "John Doe" <>
    Subject: A text/plain email
    MIME-Version: 1.0 (Created with SublimeText 3)
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Good morning.
    This is a message in text/plain format.
    It contains text/plain.
    It contains no base64 inline images or attachments.
    Each line is no more than 76 characters in length.
    Please reach out if you have any questions.
    Thank you,
    John Doe
    XYZ Solutions Inc.
    P | 999.555.1234