I am wondering what steps, (such as shebang lines and wrapper scripts) are recommended when creating a CLI application in Raku. I am interested in info both for scripts that will be installed with Zef and those that will be distributed separately.
The docs provide the example frobnicate
# inside "frobnicate.raku"
sub MAIN(Str $file where *.IO.f, Int :$length = 24, Bool :$verbose) { #`(body omitted)}
which I could run with raku frobnicate.raku
– a fine solution for scripts, but not great for a real program.
If I want this to be a bit more of a standard program, I could create a frobnicate
file such as this:
#!/usr/bin/env raku
sub MAIN(Str $file where *.IO.f, Int :$length = 24, Bool :$verbose) { #`(body omitted)}
I can make that file executable with chmod +x
and move it to a directory in my $PATH
; then I can frobnicate with the command frobnicate
. So far, all of this makes perfect sense and is just like any other scripting language.
However, none of this takes advantage of Raku's compilation. As a result, CLI apps that do more processing in MAIN
can get a bit slow (even for generating --help
output). So, the next step is to allow the app to be precomplied, but I'm not quite sure how to do so.
When I look at the scripts that I execute after installing a Raku program with Zef, they pretty much all have the form:
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
sub MAIN(:$name, :$auth, :$ver, *@, *%) {
CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.run-script("frobnicate", :$name, :$auth, :$ver);
And, when I check the package's source, this CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.run-script
line isn't there. So I'm guessing Zef adds it? If so, is there anything I need to do when writing my script to make sure that Zef will use this wrapper and that the wrapper will work?
(This comment was helpful in understanding what was going on, though I still am not sure I 100% get it).
I would like to write scripts that users can run without needing to install them through Zef (though that would be my recommended installation method). Is there some way to use the run-script
method shown above without Zef? Or should I do something like the following, which I`ve also seen:
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use Frobnicate::CLI
(And then move the actual functionality into a Frobnicate/CLI.rakumod
If I go this route, I'll need to instruct users to download both the frobnicate
wrapper script above and the Frobnicate/CLI.rakumod
file, right? (That is, there's no way to do this in a single file, is there?)
Assuming I do need to have my users download two files, where should I have them install the files? frobnicate
needs to go into a directory in their PATH
, but what about Frobnicate/CLI.rakumod
? Does it need to be copied into their Raku module search path (and, if so, what command would show them what that path is)? Or can I modify the frobnicate
wrapper in some way (maybe by changing raku
to raku -Ilib
or something like that?) in a way that would let them install both to directory on their PATH
After typing all this out, it strikes me as possible that I'm dramatically over-thinking this. If so, please let me know that as well! In any event, I'd be happy to add a few more details to the relevant section of the docs if I come to understand this a bit better.
So I'm guessing Zef adds it?
CompUnit::Repository::Installation adds it
Why is it there? One reason is because some wrapper needs to manage bin scripts the same name that would otherwise clash if they were in the same directory.
Is there some way to use the run-script method shown above without Zef?
run-script is for CompUnit::Repository::Installation only -- if you aren't installing a module then run-script
won't be of interest
Assuming I do need to have my users download two files, where should I have them install the files?
Well the recommended/idiomatic way would be to use the core raku functionality to install things (i.e. use zef). Otherwise where you should put some code is either a) not going to matter or b) going to be mostly dependendant on your environment, what is idiomatic for your os, etc.
Does it need to be copied into their Raku module search path (and, if so, what command would show them what that path is)
should suffice for showing the module search path in most cases, especially if they aren't interested in where the installation paths are. And as such you can instruct users to set e.g. RAKULIB=$FROB_LIB_DIR
to point wherever your library is if you want them to be able to run your script without manually specifying it via raku -I../ frobnicate
(so they don't copy the code anywhere special, they just point to wherever they e.g. clone your repo). Ditto for working with $PATH
Or can I modify the frobnicate wrapper in some way (maybe by changing raku to raku -Ilib or something like that?) in a way that would let them install both to directory on their PATH?
I would advise against installing things based on some value in $PATH
. Instruct users to set $PATH
, don't install things to $PATH
Technically you could add use lib '../'
to your script, but using use lib
in a script that you also want users to install normally is less than ideal since its adding an unused, potentially hijackable module search path when being run from such an install.
If you want your code to precompile then I suggest putting it in a module, and instructing your users that, if they don't intent to install it, to invoke it via raku -I../ ./frobnicate
on a per-use basis or something like export RAKULIB="$FROB_LIB_DIR,$RAKULIB"
followed by ./frobnicate
for something more permanent. Alternatively if someone evenetually implements precompilation of scripts then you could just use the single file approach.