I tried to compute a small example with the library SimpleHypergraphs. I followed the install instructions however, I have this error :
ERROR: "HyperNetX is not installed in Python used by this Julia. Install HyperNetX and reload SimpleHypergraphs.jl"
Here's my code:
using PyCall
using Conda
Conda.runconda(`install matplotlib --yes`)
Conda.runconda(`install networkx --yes`)
run(`$(PyCall.python) -m pip install hypernetx`)
using SimpleHypergraphs
h = Hypergraph{Float64}(5,4)
h[1:3,1] .= 1.5
h[3,4] = 2.5
h[2,3] = 3.5
h[4,3:4] .= 4.5
h[5,4] = 5.5
h[5,2] = 6.5
draw(h, HyperNetX; width=5, height=5)
I don't understand why this error occurs since hypernetx is well installed.
It seems that pandas
has been added to the dependencies of hypernetx
and now it will not load unless pandas is available.
Restart your Julia session and run
using Conda
Conda.runconda(`install pandas --yes`)
Now it will work as expected:
draw(h, HyperNetX; width=5, height=5)
Thanks for posting that out! - I will add it to the README of SimpleHypergraphs. Finally, note that SimpleHypergraphs uses the Python only for the last step - plotting. All processing/computations always take part in Julia so do not worry about all those Python libraries.