
KONG ingress in GKE with private IP

When I try to create kong ingress controller in GKE its actually creating public-facing layer 4 tcp load balancer, is there any way we can block the external IP and use private IP


  • Answering the question:

    How can I create an Ingress resource used by Kong Ingress Controller that is available only through the private/internal IP with GKE cluster?

    You can do it by following below steps:

    A side note!

    Ingress controllers like nginx-ingress, kong, etc. are using the Service of type Loadbalancer (Layer 4) for incoming traffic.

    Modify and apply the Kong Ingress controller manifest

    Kong github page:

    As stated previously, you will need to download, modify and apply the Kong Ingress controller manifest. By default your controller will be exposed to the external sources but you can change this behavior by specifying following annotation (in your Service of type LoadBalancer of your downloaded manifest):

    You will need to edit the Service like below:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      annotations: "Internal" # <-- IMPORTANT, ADD THIS
      name: kong-proxy
      namespace: kong
      - name: proxy
        port: 80
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 8000
      - name: proxy-ssl
        port: 443
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 8443
        app: ingress-kong
      type: LoadBalancer

    After spawning modified YAML manifest your Service responsible for incoming traffic should look like below:

    NAME                      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
    kong-proxy                LoadBalancer   80:32764/TCP,443:32002/TCP   14m
    kong-validation-webhook   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                      14m

    As you can see the External IP of your kong-proxy is within the CIDR of your GKE nodes. You will need to send the request to this particular address within the subnet.

    Create and apply Ingress resource that will be used by Kong

    To check if your newly created Ingress controller is behaving correctly you can check with below example:

    Ingress resource YAML manifest will be following for this example:

    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: Ingress
      name: kong-ingress
      annotations: "kong" # <-- IMPORTANT, ADD THIS
      - host:
          - path: /
              serviceName: nginx
              servicePort: 80

    ingress.class is used to tell your Kubernetes cluster which Ingress controller should handle this resource.

    After applying above resource you should be able to see it by invoking:

    NAME           CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS       PORTS   AGE
    kong-ingress   <none>   *   80      16m

    As you can see your kong-ingress is available on the internal IP the same as the Service of type LoadBalancer.

    You can use other VM within the subnet to check if it's working by running:

    The NGINX welcome page should be seen.

    Additional resources: