
How to create an array with Object that has private copy constructor

I have a struct that have some member and a Object that have private copy constructor, How can I create an array that include this object. For example: I have an Object:

class Image
      Image(const Image&);
      Image& operator=(const Image&);
      u8* pixel;
      int width;
      int height

struct ImageInformation
   Image image;
   int resolution;

I want to create an array for ImageInformation : vector but this is forbidding


  • You'll have to define the move ctor and move assignment operator on the Image class since the default implementations would be deleted because you provided a user declared copy ctor and copy assignment operator.

    You should then be able to use the vector with no issue.

    class Image
        Image( int height, int width ) 
            : height_{ height }
            , width_{ width }
        { }
        Image( Image&& ) = default;
        Image& operator=( Image&& ) = default;
        Image( const Image& ) = delete;
        Image& operator=( const Image& ) = delete;
        int height_;
        int width_;
    class ImageInformation
        explicit ImageInformation( Image image )
            : image_{ std::move( image ) }
        { }
        Image image_;
    int main( )
        std::vector<ImageInformation> containers;
        Image image{ 10, 10 };
        containers.emplace_back( std::move( image ) );