I have this really simple React app that is just for editing a character description using TinyMCE.
It works great as a standalone app, but I want to use it in an older WebApp game that uses Backbone.
Whenever I start the Backbone app game, and goto the Backbone view that is supposed to render the new React component, I just get a simple error that says, Error: Invariant Violation: _
There is no other information in the console or anywhere.
Is there something I could be doing wrong?
So here is my React app that uses TinyMCE:
import React from 'react';
import { Editor } from '@tinymce/tinymce-react';
class CharacterTextApp extends React.Component {
handleEditorChange = (content, editor) => {
console.log('Content was updated:', content);
render() {
return (
initialValue="<p>Your Character</p>"
height: 300,
menubar: false,
plugins: [
'lists link image preview',
'media paste help'
'undo redo | bold italic | \
alignleft aligncenter alignright | \
indent | help | image |'
export default CharacterTextApp;
And here is how I'm trying to call the react component in my Backbone view web game:
import Backbone from 'backbone';
import _ from 'underscore';
import template from 'text!./CharacterDescription.html';
import CharacterTextApp from 'new/components/CharacterTextApp';
export default Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'characterData',
template: _.template(template, null, { variable: 'ctx' }),
initialize: function (args) {
this.header = 'Your Character';
render: function () {
data: this.model.toJSON(),
header: this.header
return this;
renderCharacterTextApp() {
this.renderComponent(CharacterTextApp, {
characterId: this.model.get('characterId'),
onUpdate: (newId) => this.model.save('characterId', newId, {wait: true}),
}, '#characterInformation');
In my case, here is how I rendered a React component from a Backbone view.
Say I have a React component called, myReactComponent
and I want to pass in an Id and some data. #myDiv
is the DOM element where I want the React component to be placed.
In the Backbone view:
this.renderComponent(myReactComponent, { someId: this.model.myId, someData: this.model.myData }, '#myDiv');
In the React component, make sure you consume the props being passed:
render() {
const { someId, someData} = this.props;
And that's it! Once I set it up like that, it worked fine!