How can I check if the value of a field is numeric or not in a Firebird database? This seems like an easy problem but I can't find anything in the FreeUDFLib or standard Firebird library. Here's how I would do it in SQL Server.
Select field
from table
where isnumeric(field) = 1
Some research got me to "similar to". This should work, but throws an error:
select field
from table
where field SIMILAR TO '[0-9]+'
{"Dynamic SQL Error" & vbCrLf & "SQL error code = -104" & vbCrLf & "Token unknown - " & vbCrLf & "SIMILAR"}
Firebird has no built-in function that does what isnumeric
from SQL Server does. In Firebird 3 you can build one yourself in PSQL, for example:
create function isnumeric(val varchar(30))
returns boolean
declare dblval double precision;
dblval = cast(val as double precision);
return true;
when any do
return false;
As to your problem with similar to
, it was introduced in Firebird 2.5, so this would indicate you're using Firebird 2.1 or earlier. In that case, it is really time to update. Firebird 2.5 and older are End-of-Life and no longer receive updates (including security fixes!).