
Speed/Memory usage estimate for different data structures

I'm trying to decide which data structure to use for the following.

Lets say I have maybe 10 million keys that contain pointers to unique objects containing some data.

The keys are UUID's think of them as 16 byte binary arrays. The UUID's are generated using a good quality random number generator.

I've been considering the following but would like to know what the pros and cons in terms of speed and memory consumption would be for each. Some fair estimates, best/worst/average case on a 64bit platform would be nice.

I need to be able to have virtually unlimited items inserted.

Binary Tree Hash Table Radix Tree (bit based or 2bit multi-way)

The operations I need on these are: insert, delete, search

I like the idea of a radix tree but it's proving to be the hardest to implement and I haven't found a suitable implementation I could incorporate into a commercial product.


  • The short answer

    A hash table will probably be the best for your case.


    A hash table (std::unordered_map) will be O( 1 ) if hashing is constant. In your case, O( 1 ) holds because you don't even need to hash—just using the lower 32 bits of the random UUID should be good enough. The cost of a lookup will be similar to one or two pointer indirections.

    A binary tree (std::map) will be O( log2 n ), so for 10 million items you'll have 24 comparisons and 24 potential cache misses. Even for n = 4,000 it'll use 12 comparisons, so it very quickly becomes significantly worse than a hash table.

    A radix tree will be O( k ), so you'll have a maximum of k comparisons and k potential cache misses. At a very unlikely best, the radix tree will be as fast as a hash table. At worse (assuming k = a somewhat reasonable 16, for a 256-way tree) it'll perform better than a binary tree but far worse than a hash table.

    So if speed is top priority, use a hash table.


    A typical hash table will have around 1–3 pointers of overhead per item if full. If not full, you'll probably be wasting 1 pointer of space per empty slot. You should be able to keep it nearly full while still being faster than a binary tree because you've got a very random key, but for maximum possible speed you'll of course want to give it plenty of headroom. For 10 million items on a 32-bit machine, expect 38–114MiB of overhead for a full table. For a half-full table, expect 76–153MiB.

    A red-black tree, the most common std::map implementation, will have 3 pointers + 1 bool per item. Some implementations exploit pointer alignment to merge the bool with one of the pointers. Depending on implementations and how full the hash table is, a red-black tree might have slightly lower overhead. Expect 114–153MiB.

    A radix tree will have 1 pointer per item and 1 pointer per empty slot. Unfortunately I think such large random keys will cause you to have very many empty slots toward the edge of a tree, so it will probably use more memory than either of the above. Decreasing k can lower this overhead but will similarly lower performance.

    If minimum overhead is important, use a hash table or binary tree. If it's a priority, use a full hash table.

    Note that std::unordered_map does not let you control when it will resize, so getting one full will be difficult. Boost Intrusive has a very nice unordered_map implementation that will put you directly in control of that and many other things.