
How to set SetAdvertiserTrackingEnabled with IronSource Unity?

I am implementing IronSource Facebook Audience Network mediation for a Unity game. In the docs it mentions setting SetAdvertiserTrackingEnabled in step 9. Sorry if this sounds stupid, but how do I do this if I'm using IronSource mediation and not the actual Audience Network SDK? Am I missing something here?

Ironsource integration doc: https://developers.ironsrc.com/ironsource-mobile/unity/facebook-mediation-guide/#step-9


  • I am not really familiar with Objective-C but I did it according to FAN recommendations and added a C# script

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    #if UNITY_IOS
    namespace AudienceNetwork
    public static class AdSettings
    private static extern void FBAdSettingsBridgeSetAdvertiserTrackingEnabled(bool advertiserTrackingEnabled);
    public static void SetAdvertiserTrackingEnabled(bool advertiserTrackingEnabled)

    So after I can set the FAN flag with simple:


    With iOS Support Package, I did also a simple script to set it according to current IDFA/ATT settings in iOS Preferences (user can change it anytime).

    using Unity.Advertisement.IosSupport;
    public void iOS_SetFanFlag()
        bool setFanFlag;
        if ((int)ATTrackingStatusBinding.GetAuthorizationTrackingStatus() == 3)
           setFanFlag = true; //If==3, App is AUTHORIZED in settings
        else setFanFlag = false;  //DENIED, RESTRICTED or NOT DETERMINED (==2,1,0)

    Case is - this has to be set BEFORE initialization of IronSource and I am not sure how to check/test if it works correctly.