In Swift I can define a type which returns the name of a requested property as string using @dynamicMemberLookup
@dynamicMemberLookup struct S {
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> String { member }
let s = S() // returns "foo" // returns "bar"
Is there a way to achieve this behavior in JavaScript? In some sense, I'm looking for a way to override Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
. I thought something like the following would've worked, but it's not.
const cachedGOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function (o, p) {
if (o instanceof S) return { get() { return p } }
return cachedGOPD(o, p)
I don't know if Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
is called when requesting an object property.
This is technically achievable with a Proxy, no need to modify getOwnPropertyDescriptor
const makeS = () => new Proxy({}, {
get(_, prop) {
console.log('getter called on', prop);
return prop;
const s = makeS()
console.log( // returns "foo"
console.log( // returns "bar"
It's an interesting theoretical exercise, but in practice, proxies are slow, and this is a bit weird. In most cases, well-designed code shouldn't need to rely on such a thing.