I wrote a requirejs app and it will be included in various environments, some of them will already provide some javascript frameworks, that i would like to reuse insteadof the provided amd modules i bring along.
I am speaking about jquery and Foundation. Some of my app-scripts make use of those frameworks themselves and i would like to do something like the following example, but i cant figure out, if this can even be done with requirejs and if yes - how...
paths: {
"jquery": "window.$",
"foundation": "window.Foundation",
"foundation.module": "window.Foundation.Module"
shim: {
"jquery": {
exports: "window.$"
"foundation": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "window.Foundation"
Can i achieve something like this?
What you are looking for is a proxy module. As the Foundation and jQuery is already loaded, before the RequireJS I assume.
It is quiet simple, just define a module which will return a global variable and that's all, here, take a look at jQuery example:
define('jquery', function () {
return window.$;
No config needed for that. You can remove the paths and the shims as they are no needed.