
Why is my boolean value preemptively being returned?

I am working on a login validator and have a class that checks username and password validity. After checking, a boolean variable (isValidLoginCredentials) is updated in the LoginProxy class, which can be fetched by a get method and used for another purpose. However, the value that is returned by the get method is always the default value that I assigned to isValidLoginCredentials when the class was created. I think the issue is that I am calling the getter method in main() before I have a chance to update isValidLoginCredentials, but I don't understand what changes I should make to stop this. Here is the relevant part of the class and main program.

public class LoginProxy implements ActionListener
    private JLabel usernameLabel;
    private JTextField usernameText;
    private JLabel passwordLabel;
    private JPasswordField passwordText;
    private JButton loginButton;
    private boolean isValidLoginCredentials = false;
    public void createLogin()
        /*Here was code irrelevant to the problem I removed*/

        loginButton.addActionListener(new LoginProxy());
        loginButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
                String user = usernameText.getText();//get the username
                String pass = passwordText.getText();//get the password
                String credentials = user +":"+pass;//creates the string I compare to other valid 
                ConcreteLoginValidator validator = new ConcreteLoginValidator(credentials);
                    isValidLoginCredentials = validator.checkLogin();
                    System.out.println("The credentials are "+isValidLoginCredentials);
                catch (FileNotFoundException e1) 

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public boolean getValidity()
        return isValidLoginCredentials;

And here is the main method

public static void main(String[] args) 
        boolean isValidLogin = false;
        LoginProxy proxy = new LoginProxy();
        isValidLogin = proxy.getValidity();
        if(isValidLogin == true)
            JFrame frame = MainUI.getInstance();
            frame.setSize(900, 600);

What should I add so that isValidLogin=proxy.getValidity(); returns a value only after I have already entered and checked whether the login credentials are correct?


  • Going straight to the point, a quick fix is to put the code below:

    if(isValidLoginCredentials) {
        JFrame frame = MainUI.getInstance();
        frame.setSize(900, 600);

    After this part:

    System.out.println("The credentials are "+isValidLoginCredentials);

    The code you call on createLogin() just sets the action listener to the button in the UI, hence the code will be executed just when you click on the button. On the top of that, when you open a window, it starts a separated thread. I don't know the rest of the code, but assuming that when you instantiate the LoginProxy, it opens the login window. But the way you wrote, it will open the window and check the isValidLogin straight away (it doesn't wait you to click the button).

    If you want to prove that, you can simply put a System.out.println before and after the proxy.createLogin(). You will realise that both lines will be reached while the UI is rendered.