
Loopback delete multiple relations

I'm trying to destroy multiple relations linked to a model from my angular application.

in my person.json I have two relations:

  "messageGroups": {
      "type": "hasMany",
      "model": "messageGroup"
    "messageStudents": {
      "type": "hasMany",
      "model": "messageStudent"

These work fine. However I want to delete multiple messageGroups and messageStudents for a person in one call. Rather than use multiple calls to Person.messageGroups.destroyById(...) and Person.messageStudents.destroyById(...)

My initial thought was to make a remote method in my person.js file that accepts a personId and an object containing ids for messageGroups and messageStudents.

But I'm unable to write working code. My last attempt looks like this:

Person.destroyTargetsFromMessage = function (personId, assignees, callback) {
        for(var i in assignees.studentIds){
            Person.messageStudents.destroyById({'id': personId, 'fk': assignees.studentIds[i]});
        for(var i in assignees.groupIds){
            Person.messageGroups.destroyById({'id': personId, 'fk': assignees.groupIds[i]});

Or would the proper way to do this use multiple calls to my API after all?


I've written this code that brings me closer to my goal:

Person.destroyTargetsFromMessage = function (personId, assignees, callback) {
        Person.findById(teacherId, function(err, targetPerson){
            for(var i in assignees.studentIds){
                targetPerson.messageStudents.findById(assignees.studentIds[i], function(err, student){
                    callback(null, student);
            for(var i in assignees.groupIds){
                targetPerson.messageGroups.findById(assignees.groupIds[i], function(err, group){
                    callback(null, group);

The only problem is that I cannot call destroyById on my targetPerson relations, but findById seems to be working just fine.


the method that deletes my relations is destroy, not destroyById


  • the method that deletes my relations is destroy, not destroyById