I read that preorder and postorder traversal were also defined for general (n-ary) trees like that:
if(v==null) return;
for each child w of v
if(v==null) return;
for each child w of v
But inorder traversal ist just for binary trees. Why I cant make an inOrder traversal method like the pre and postOrder examples shown above?
You can of course define a traversal that is an n-ary generalisation of what inorder is for binary trees.
For binary trees inorder means visiting a node after its left child is visited, but before its right child is visited.
For n-ary, you could for instance say a node should be visited after its k leftmost children have been visited, and before any other of its children. k would be a predefined constant, and when k=1, and your tree happens to be binary, then you have the same traversal as the classic inorder traversal.
inOrder(k, v)
if(v==null) return;
for each child w among the first k children of v:
inOrder(k, w)
for each child w not among the first k children of v:
inOrder(k, w)
But as you can see, this is a bit of a clumsy traversal, and one could wonder if there is really a practical use for it.