
What does the "as const" mean in TypeScript and what is its use case?

I am confused about the as const cast. I checked a few documents and videos but did not understand it fully.

My concern is what does the as const mean in the code below and what is the benefit of using it?

const args = [8, 5] as const;
const angle = Math.atan2(...args);


  • This is known as a const assertion. A const assertion tells the compiler to infer the narrowest* or most specific type it can for an expression. If you leave it off, the compiler will use its default type inference behavior, which will possibly result in a wider or more general type.

    Note that it is called an "assertion" and not a "cast". The term "cast" is generally to be avoided in TypeScript; when people say "cast" they often imply some sort of effect that can be observed at runtime, but TypeScript's type system, including type assertions and const assertions, is completely erased from the emitted JavaScript. So there is absolutely no difference at runtime between a program that uses as const and one that does not.

    At compile time, though, there is a noticeable difference. Let's see what happens when you leave out as const in the above example:

    const args = [8, 5];
    // const args: number[]
    const angle = Math.atan2(...args); // error! Expected 2 arguments, but got 0 or more.

    The compiler sees const args = [8, 5]; and infers the type of number[]. That's a mutable array of zero or more elements of type number. The compiler has no idea how many or which elements there are. Such an inference is generally reasonable; often, array contents are meant to be modified in some way. If someone wants to write args.push(17) or args[0]++, they'll be happy with a type of number[].

    Unfortunately the next line, Math.atan2(...args), results in an error. The Math.atan2() function requires exactly two numeric arguments. But all the compiler knows about args is that it's an array of numbers. It has completely forgotten that there are two elements, and so the compiler complains that you are calling Math.atan2() with "0 or more" arguments when it wants exactly two.

    Compare that to the code with as const:

    const args = [8, 5] as const;
    // const args: readonly [8, 5]
    const angle = Math.atan2(...args); // okay

    Now the compiler infers that args is of type readonly [8, 5]... a readonly tuple whose values are exactly the numbers 8 and 5 in that order. Specifically, args.length is known to be exactly 2 by the compiler.

    And this is enough for the next line with Math.atan2() to work. The compiler knows that Math.atan2(...args) is the same as Math.atan2(8, 5), which is a valid call.

    And again: at runtime, there is no difference whatsoever. Both versions log 1.0121970114513341 to the console. But const assertions, like the rest of the static type system, are not meant to have effects at runtime. Instead, they let the compiler know more about the intent of the code, and can more accurately tell the difference between correct code and bugs.

    Playground link to code

    * This isn't strictly true for array and tuple types; a readonly array or tuple is technically wider than a mutable version. A mutable array is considered a subtype of a readonly array; the former is not known to have mutation methods like push() while the latter does.