
Can not see banner - admob plugin

I have a problem with the new admob plugin of corona-sdk platform.

In one hand, I have an app that I already published to Google Play long time ago and yesterday I purchashed the new admob plugin, so I rebuild the app and add an ad banner using the new admob plugin - It worked propely.

On the other hand, I have an app that I did not published yet (brand new), I tried to add a banner using the new admob plugin (the SAME way I did with the other app - same code same everything - also the build.setting). I can see an ad only if it's using TestMode=true.

This is how I did it: I have the main.lua init the ad:

-- AdMob listener function
local function adListener( event )
    if ( event.phase == "init" ) then  -- Successful initialization
        -- Load an AdMob interstitial ad
        admob.load( "banner", { adUnitId="ca-app-pub-xxxxx/xxxxx" } )

-- Initialize the AdMob plugin
admob.init( adListener, { appId="ca-app-pub-xxxxxx~xxxxxxx"} )

and in an scene I do this:

if ( admob.isLoaded( "banner" ) ) then
            bannerHeight = admob.height()
   "banner", { y = display.actualContentHeight - bannerHeight} )

I tried everything, I know the ad unit works because I check it on the first app that the banner works there. My only thought left is that maybe it's happenning becuase I didn't published the app yet..

Hope for help, Thank you all.


  • It takes a while until Admob start serving you ads, even if your account is not new, check if the return error code is 3 (lack of ads) - if so, you're fine