
What errors are outputted to http.Server's ErrorLog struct field?

I'm trying to understand the purpose of an ErrorLog struct field in http.Server struct. By its name I suspect that those are some kind of errors, but which ones?

What would trigger errors being outputted there? Broken network? Too large http requests?

package main

import (

func main() {
    _ = &http.Server{
        ErrorLog: log.Default(), // what errors are outputted here?


  • The official documentation provides an overview of how the field is used:

        // ErrorLog specifies an optional logger for errors accepting
        // connections, unexpected behavior from handlers, and
        // underlying FileSystem errors.
        // If nil, logging is done via the log package's standard logger.
        ErrorLog *log.Logger // Go 1.3

    In practice, the field is accessed in the *http.Server's logf method. You can check where that method is called. In short (not exhaustive):