I would like my output to give me a hash table.
$hashtable @{}
If( $scope | Get-DhcpServerV4Lease -ComputerName $server | Where-Object HostName -like "$hostName*") {$hashtable.add($scope.name, $hostname)}
I believe because of how I have things nested I can not get my $hashtable
to populate.
$DHServers = Get-DhcpServerInDC #get DHCP info
foreach ($Server in $DHServers){
$scopes = Get-DHCPServerv4Scope -ComputerName $Server.dnsname #get all scopes
foreach ($hostname in (Get-Content C:\script\HostNameList.txt)){ #get hostnames from list
foreach ($scope in $scopes){
$hastable = @{} #create hash table
if($scope | Get-DhcpServerV4Lease -ComputerName $server.dnsname | Where-Object HostName -like "$hostName*" ) #compares the hostname to find which lease it is in
{$hashtable.add($scope.name, $hostname)} # add keys, values to table
You're re-initializing the hash table inside the loop, so it's going to get clobbered each time. You could try something like this:
$DHServers = Get-DhcpServerInDC #get DHCP info
$hashtable = @{} #create hash table
foreach ($Server in $DHServers){
$scopes = Get-DHCPServerv4Scope -ComputerName $Server.dnsname #get all scopes
foreach ($hostname in (Get-Content C:\script\HostNameList.txt)){ #get hostnames from list
foreach ($scope in $scopes) {
if($scope | Get-DhcpServerV4Lease -ComputerName $server.dnsname | Where-Object HostName -like "$hostName*" ) { #compares the hostname to find which lease it is in
$hashtable.add($scope.name, $hostname) # add keys, values to table