I'm trying to log the flow of my probot app but they do not appear in my terminal.
I've set up a boilerplate project by running npx create-probot-app my-first-app
and choosing the basic-ts
My index.ts file looks like this -
import { Probot } from "probot";
export = (app: Probot) => {
app.log.info("Yay, my app is loaded");
app.on("issues.opened", async (context) => {
const issueComment = context.issue({
body: "Thanks for opening this issue!",
await context.octokit.issues.createComment(issueComment);
The app is working as expected, opening an issue prompts the bot to create a comment, but the logs I've added are still missing.
I've restarted the server multiple times, but still can't see the logs.
Any idea what's missing here?
The logs did not appear because I did not rebuild my app.
Once I've ran yarn build
logs started showing up...