
Add new row for first of same group

I'm new to Firebird and need your help. I know that Firebird's task isn't to do a nice print.

I have a stored procedure with following reduced output:

Drink Name
Cola Marcus
Cola Siegfried
Fanta Jochen
Beer Anna
Beer Manuel

I want to add a new row and column before the first value of each group of Drink with the name of the Drink in it.

So the output should be:

Drink Drinks for print Name
Cola Cola
Cola Marcus
Cola Siegfried
Fanta Fanta
Fanta Jochen
Beer Beer
Beer Anna
Beer Manuel

I am using Firebird 2.5.8


  • Assuming you don't want to modify the existing stored procedure, but instead want to 'decorate' the output of the stored procedure, you would need to do something like this:

    execute block
      returns (
        drink varchar(50), 
        "Drink for print" varchar(50), 
        name varchar(50))
      declare drink_intermediate varchar(50);
      declare name_intermediate varchar(50);
      for select drink, name 
        from drinks 
        order by drink 
        into drink_intermediate, name_intermediate
        if (drink is distinct from drink_intermediate) then
            drink = drink_intermediate;
            "Drink for print" = drink_intermediate;
            name = null;
            "Drink for print" = null;
        name = name_intermediate;

    That is, each time the drink changes, you need to add an extra row.

    You can also do something like this in DSQL, but this probably more expensive when you have a lot of rows due to the distinct:

    select distinct 
      case a.type when 1 then drink end as "Drink for print", 
      case a.type when 2 then name end as name
    from drinks
    cross join (
      select 1 as type from RDB$DATABASE
      union all
      select 2 as type from RDB$DATABASE
    ) a
    order by drink, type

    That is, for each row of the stored procedure, we add an extra row with the "Drinks for print" column populated and the name not populated, and then we take a distinct (to remove the repeated rows), and sort for a consistent output.