I followed the instructions here to set up and remove a python lambda function (and associated AWS resources).
When I try to clean up the function, role-policy and role, the instructions failed because the CLI does not manage to find the attached role policies. In particular, if I run:
aws iam list-role-policies --role-name myrolename
... I get an output of:
"PolicyNames": []
But when I look up the same role in the AWS console, I can see the policy is there.
So what is going on here? Is this an AWS bug (CLI version aws-cli/2.1.33 Python/3.9.2 Darwin/20.4.0 source/x86_64), or am I muddled up here somehow?
As I can see from the image, it's a managed policy and unfortunately list-role-policies only lists the names of the inline policies that are embedded in the specified IAM role.
An IAM role can also have managed policies attached to it. To list the managed policies that are attached to a role, use ListAttachedRolePolicies
Use this for example:
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name SecurityAuditRole