
Validating the state of the slide toggle using Cypress

I'm just new to Cypress and I want to validate if the slide toggle button is ON or OFF. I have this piece of code that checks whether it is ON or OFF but I have no idea how to put it in an If-Else condition.

   .should('have.attr', 'aria-checked', 'true')

//What I want to do
If(<the code above is true>) {
else {

All comments and suggestions are well appreciated. Thank you.


  • I have already done this using the following code:

    cy.get('#slide-toggle-1-input').then(($toggleBtn) => {
         if($toggleBtn.attr('aria-checked') === 'true') {
             //command here if the toggle button is turned on
         else {
             //command here if the toggle button is turned off

    Also don't use dynamic elements such as my example above, I just use that for easier understanding. Instead, use a regular expression or RegEx for the locators like below.

    //example above, don't do this
    //USE THIS for dynamic locators
    //the ^ search for properties starting from
    //the $ search for properties ending from

    Read this for further details on the cy.get() and dynamic locators:

    Hope it helps everyone, especially who's just starting on Cypress like me! :)