
4D Database ORDA Query: Query Using Length of Related Records


I'm using 4D Database (v17.5) and trying to query records. I have the following simplified schema:

Customers (table)
    -CustomerID (field)
    -CompanyName (field)
    -City (field)
    -State (field)

SalesOrders (table)
    -CustomerID (field)
    -OrderTotal (field)

They are tied together with a Many to One automatic relation:

[Customers]CustomerID (O)<-------------------------(M) [SalesOrders]CustomerID
            (ParentCustomer)              (ChildSalesOrders)

I can query to get a set of [SalesOrders] records using either of the following:

ds.SalesOrders.query("OrderTotal > 500 AND ParentCustomer.State = 'New York'")
ds.Customers.query("State = 'New York' AND ChildSalesOrders.OrderTotal > 500").ChildSalesOrders


Some customers have no orders at all, and if I want to find a set of customers with zero related orders, I am having trouble.

I have gotten the following to work:

$voCustomersToCheck:=ds.Customers.query("State = 'New York')

For each($voCustomer;$voCustomersToCheck)
    If ( $voCustomer.ChildSalesOrders.length > 0 )
    End if
End for each

What I'd like to do instead is something like:

$voCustomersWithoutOrders:=ds.Customers.query("State = 'New York' AND ChildSalesOrders.length = 0')

That doesn't work, though.


Is what I'm trying to accomplish possible?


  • In v17.5, it is impossible.

    That said, if you update to v18 or higher, you can use the NULL keyword; so the solution is to write:

    $voCustomersWithoutOrders:=ds.Customers.query("State = 'New York' AND ChildSalesOrders = NULL')