I'm trying to get rid of controlling audio played via session.streamFile() in Freeswitch. For this I tried the 3rd example of this documentation.
Almost everything here is working, but the DTMF 1 (seek:-500) doesn't seek back. It always starts from the beginning (like seek:0). What could be the reason here? I'm using exactly the example.
var exit = false;
function onInput( session, type, data, arg ) {
if ( type == "dtmf" ) {
console_log( "info", "Got digit " + data.digit + "\n" );
if ( data.digit == "*" ) {
exit = true;
return( false );
else if ( data.digit == "0" ) {
return( "seek:0" );
else if ( data.digit == "1" ) {
return( "seek:-500" );
else if ( data.digit == "2" ) {
return( "pause" );
else if ( data.digit == "3" ) {
return( "seek:+500" );
return( true );
if ( session.ready( ) ) {
session.answer( );
while ( session.ready( ) && ! exit ) {
session.streamFile( "<path to WAV>", onInput );
if ( session.ready( ) ) {
session.hangup( );
Meanwhile I found the reason. It belongs to the samplerate. Freeswitch prefers wav's with a samplerate of 16000. Others are working too, but makeing trouble with seeking etc.