My goal is to use the Builder Pattern to create the Product Details' field based on the product category.
Regardless of the product category, this is the basic ProductDetails
int stock; // required
String ships_from; // required
String brand; // optional
Computer category could have
String model; // optional
String screen_size; // optional
String warranty_period; // optional
Food category could have
String shelf_life; // required
String expiration_date; // optional
This is the basic builder pattern I use
public class ProductDetails {
// attributes
private ProductDetails(ProductDetailsBuilder builder) {
this.attribute1 = builder.attribute1;
this.attribute2 = builder.attribute2; // and so on.
// getters
public static class ProductDetailsBuilder {
// attributes
public ProductDetailsBuilder(//required attributes) {
this.attribute1 = attribute1;
// setters
public ProductDetails build() { return new ProductDetails(this); }
The problem arise when I try to extends the ProductDetails
class to e.g ProductDetails_Computer
or ProductDetails_Food
public class ProductDetails_Computer extends ProductDetails {
// attributes
private ProductDetails_Computer(ProductDetails_ComputerBuilder builder) {
this.attribute1 = builder.attribute2;
// getters
public static class ProductDetails_ComputerBuilder {
// attributes.
// setters
public ProductDetails_Computer build() { return new ProductDetails_Computer(this); }
My expected result: I can do public class ProductDetails_Computer extends ProductDetails
My actual result: Because the ProductDetails
constructor is private/protected, I can't extends. Some websites forbid the use of public constructor to avoid direct initialization, and I agree with this practices.
Effective Java suggests using parallel hierarchy of builders for such cases.
Here is how abstract and concrete classes may look like:
ProductDetails (Base Abstract class):
abstract public class ProductDetails {
int stock;
String ships_from;
String brand;
// Recursive generics
abstract static class Builder<T extends Builder<T>> {
int stock;
String ships_from;
String brand;
public Builder(int stock, String ships_from) {
this.stock = stock;
this.ships_from = ships_from;
// returns the reference of implementation (child class)
T brand(String brand) {
this.brand = brand;
return self();
// force implementation to return child class' builder
protected abstract T self();
// force implementation to return itself while holding "Code to interface" practice
abstract ProductDetails build();
protected ProductDetails(Builder<?> builder) {
this.stock = builder.stock;
this.ships_from = builder.ships_from;
this.brand = builder.brand;
Implementations may look like:
public class ProductDetails_Computer extends ProductDetails {
String model;
String screen_size;
String warranty_period;
private ProductDetails_Computer(Builder builder) {
this.model = builder.model;
this.screen_size = builder.screen_size;
this.warranty_period = builder.warranty_period;
public static class Builder extends ProductDetails.Builder<Builder> {
String model;
String screen_size;
String warranty_period;
public Builder(int stock, String ships_from) {
super(stock, ships_from);
// child class attributes setter
public Builder model(String model) {
this.model = model;
return this;
public Builder screen_size(String screen_size) {
this.screen_size = screen_size;
return this;
public Builder warranty_period(String warranty_period) {
this.warranty_period = warranty_period;
return this;
protected Builder self() {
return this;
ProductDetails build() {
return new ProductDetails_Computer(this);
public String toString() {
return "ProductDetails_Computer [stock= " + stock + ", brand= " + brand + ", model=" + model + ", screen_size="
+ screen_size + ", warranty_period=" + warranty_period + "]";
public class TestBuilder {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var computerBuilder = new ProductDetails_Computer.Builder(20, "XYZ");
// able to invoke child class methods because of recursive generics
ProductDetails_Computer [stock= 20, brand= Some_brand, model=some_model, screen_size=200, warranty_period=null]
You can read about recursive generics here.