So, I have a theme with an accordian option in it - however the accordian opens the first item. I would like it to be closed - I know it's controlled with JS which is not my forte.
I can see the JS adds 'open' and 'active' classes into the area but I can't seem to see how it works out the first one.
Here is the code.
function handleAccordionBox(){
var accordion = $(this);
var titles = $(this).find('div.title');
var items = $(this).find('.item');
var contents = $(this).find('.content');
var iconOpened = 'ion-minus', iconClosed = 'ion-plus';
var isOutline = $(this).hasClass('outline');
var toggle = function( num ){
var opened = accordion.find('.open');
var content = contents.eq( num );
// If not active
if( !items.eq( num ).hasClass('active') ){
// Activate this item
items.eq( num ).addClass('active');
content.css('height', '').addClass('no-transition open'); // Open new content
var height = content.outerHeight() + 'px'; // Save heights
content.removeClass('no-transition open').css( 'height', (isOutline) ? '0px' : '6px' ); // Close new content
opened.removeClass('open no-transition').css( 'height', (isOutline) ? '0px' : '6px' ); // Close old content
content.addClass('open').css( 'height', height ); // Open new content
// Change titles
titles.find('.control span').removeClass( iconOpened ).addClass( iconClosed );
titles.eq(num).find('.control span').removeClass( iconClosed ).addClass( iconOpened );
}, 30);
}, 30);
else {
opened.removeClass('open no-transition').css( 'height', (isOutline) ? '0px' : '6px' );
titles.find('.control span').removeClass( iconOpened ).addClass( iconClosed );
$(this).on('click', function(){
toggle( i );
toggle( $(this).attr('data-norebro-accordion') || 0 );
this.accordionToggle = toggle;
function handleAccordionBoxSize(){
var content = $(this).find('');
var wrap = content.find('.wrap');
content.css('height', wrap.outerHeight() + 'px');
The key line is this one:
toggle( $(this).attr('data-norebro-accordion') || 0 );
is the function that actually opens and closes the menu. Once everything has been declared, it's called once here, for either the element with the data-norebro-accordion
attribute, or, if that's not declared, the first element (0
If you want everything closed by default, then just comment that line:
// toggle( $(this).attr('data-norebro-accordion') || 0 );