I'm trying to allow users to filter strings of text using a glob pattern whose only control character is *
. Under the hood, I figured the easiest thing to filter the list strings would be to use Js.Re.test
[https://rescript-lang.org/docs/manual/latest/api/js/re#test_], and it is (easy).
Ignoring the *
on the user filter string for now, what I'm having difficulty with is escaping all the RegEx control characters. Specifically, I don't know how to replace the capture groups within the input text to create a new string.
So far, I've got this, but it's not quite right:
let input = "test^ing?123[foo";
let escapeRegExCtrl = searchStr => {
let re = [%re("/([\\^\\[\\]\\.\\|\\\\\\?\\{\\}\\+][^\\^\\[\\]\\.\\|\\\\\\?\\{\\}\\+]*)/g")];
let break = ref(false);
while (!break.contents) {
switch (Js.Re.exec_ (re, searchStr)) {
| Some(result) => {
let match = Js.Re.captures(result)[0];
Js.log2("Matching: ", match)
| None => {
break := true;
search -> escapeRegExCtrl
If I disregard the "test" portion of the string being skipped, the above output will produce:
Matching: ^ing
Matching: ?123
Matching: [foo
With the above example, at the end of the day, what I'm trying to produce is this (with leading and following .*
But I'm unsure how to achieve creating a contiguous string from the matched capture groups.
(echo "test^ing?123[foo" | sed -r 's_([\^\?\[])_\\\1_g'
would get the work done on the command line)
Based on Chris Maurer's answer, there is a method in the JS library that does what I was looking for. A little digging exposed the ReasonML proxy for that method: https://rescript-lang.org/docs/manual/latest/api/js/string#replacebyre
Let me see if I have this right; you want to implement a character matcher where everything is literal except *. Presumably the * is supposed to work like that in Windows dir commands, matching zero or more characters.
Furthermore, you want to implement it by passing a user-entered character string directly to a Regexp match function after suitably sanitizing it to only deal with the *.
If I have this right, then it sounds like you need to do two things to get the string ready for js.re.test:
Let's keep this simple and process the string in two steps, each one using Js.re.replace. So the list of special characters in regex are [^$.|?*+(). Suitably quoting these for replace:
str.replace(/[\[\\\^\$\.\|\?\+\(\)]/g, '\$&')
This is just all those special characters quoted. The $& in the replacement specifications says to insert whatever matched. Then pass that result to a second replace for the * to .*? transformation.
str.replace(/*+/g, '.*?')