I need to do this in formula(text) if custitem_prod_grade_field equals A then Pack/Batch Size equals custitem_unitsperpallet ELSE custitem10 * reordermultiple, if any field is null then default to reordermultiple.
This will allow us to order in full layer/pallet quantities and improve receiving efficiencies.
I have created something like this but unsure how to finish it and could not find anything that would help on the internet?
case when {custitem_prod_grade_field} is null or {custitem_unitsperpallet} is null or {custitem10} is null then {reordermultiple} else 0 end
Assuming all field ids are real/accurate the following nested case statement should work for you in a netsuite saved search.
CASE WHEN {custitem_prod_grade_field} IS NULL THEN {reordermultiple} ELSE
(CASE WHEN {custitem_unitsperpallet} IS NULL THEN {reordermultiple} ELSE
(CASE WHEN {custitem10} IS NULL THEN {reordermultiple} ELSE 0 END)