
Playing a Live stream from media server on android application

My setup is as follows:

Now I'm building an app that will display this stream and I'm currently using ExoPlayer, however I'm having a hard time getting it to work for both RTMP and HLS, I read some where that I could embed a webplayer in my app would that be easier? Here is my code for ExoPlayer:

 //RTMP Url
    String url = "rtmp://";
    BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter = new DefaultBandwidthMeter();
    TrackSelection.Factory videoTrackSelectionFactory =
            new AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory();
    TrackSelector trackSelector =
            new DefaultTrackSelector(videoTrackSelectionFactory);
    SimpleExoPlayer player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this, trackSelector);

    PlayerView playerView = findViewById(R.id.simple_player);


      Create RTMP Data Source

    RtmpDataSourceFactory rtmpDataSourceFactory = new RtmpDataSourceFactory();

    MediaSource videoSource = new ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(rtmpDataSourceFactory)



Any help on this would be much appreciated.


  • Most online video streaming use Adaptive Bit Rate streaming (ABR) protocols to deliver the video, mainly HSL and DASH this days.

    Most Media players, like ExoPlayer, support these protocols well, although they are complex and evolving protocols so there are always edge cases.

    Many video conferencing applications use WebRTC which is a real time optimised protocol - the usual approach is to use a WebRTC client for this type of stream.

    The difference between the two approaches from a streaming latency point of view, at a very high level, is:

    Any Media Server comes from the WebRTC side although recent versions support HLS /CMAF and Low Latency DASH (these are still higher latency than WebRTC generally as noted above).

    For your service, if you are able to use a DASH or HLS stream you may find that it is an easier path with ExoPlayer. If you look at the demo app for example you will see DASH and HLS streams but no RTMP ones. You can easily extend or modify the demo app to play your own HLS or DASH stream and this is often an easy way to start - look at the sample material in the assets/media.exolist.json and add your own URL:

    However, ExoPlayer should also support RTMP via an extension if this is your preferred route - there is a specific extension that allows this:

    In theory you simply need to add this dependency to your application:

    if your application is using DefaultDataSource or DefaultDataSourceFactory, adding support for RTMP streams is as simple as adding a dependency to the RTMP extension

    It would be worth checking the issues list in this repository for any recent issues and/or workarounds.