I want to use the MAVLink C library to parse MAVLink packets in dart, but the Dart FFI generated mavlink_message_t is an opaque class, while other structs like mavlink_system_t are generated normally with all their attributes. What is the reason for this behaviour, and how can I fix it?
mavlink_message_t C struct
typedef struct __mavlink_message {
uint16_t checksum; ///< sent at end of packet
uint8_t magic; ///< protocol magic marker
uint8_t len; ///< Length of payload
uint8_t incompat_flags; ///< flags that must be understood
uint8_t compat_flags; ///< flags that can be ignored if not understood
uint8_t seq; ///< Sequence of packet
uint8_t sysid; ///< ID of message sender system/aircraft
uint8_t compid; ///< ID of the message sender component
uint32_t msgid:24; ///< ID of message in payload
uint8_t ck[2]; ///< incoming checksum bytes
}) mavlink_message_t;
mavlink_system_t C struct
typedef struct __mavlink_system {
uint8_t sysid; ///< Used by the MAVLink message_xx_send() convenience function
uint8_t compid; ///< Used by the MAVLink message_xx_send() convenience function
}) mavlink_system_t;
FFI generated Dart classes
class mavlink_message_t extends ffi.Opaque {}
class mavlink_system_t extends ffi.Struct {
external int sysid;
external int compid;
Thanks to @Richard Heap 's comment, I found out the source of this issue was the msgid:24
field definition. Since it's a bit field, which isn't currently supported by Dart FFI, ffigen generates an opaque class definition from it. After removing the msgid:24
declaration, instead of ffi.Opaque, an ffi.Struct was generated
class mavlink_message_t extends ffi.Struct {
external int checksum;
external int magic;
external int len;
external int incompat_flags;
external int compat_flags;
external int seq;
external int sysid;
external int compid;
external ffi.Array<ffi.Uint64> payload64;
external ffi.Array<ffi.Uint8> ck;
external ffi.Array<ffi.Uint8> signature;
This of course is not enough since I need all the fields, but there is a workaround for this which I'll test.