
Find the number of processes using Ansible

Below is my playbook that dumps the processes matching .*httpd.*|.*sjsws.*|.*java.*|.*docker.*|.*node.*


     grepelement: ".*httpd.*|.*sjsws.*|.*java.*|.*docker.*|.*node.*"

     - name: "Check processes on destination"
       ignore_errors: yes
       command: ps auxwww
       register: ps_out

     - set_fact:
         processdump: "{{ ps_out.stdout | regex_findall(grepelement) }}"

     - set_fact:
         processdumpcount: "{{ ps_out.stdout.split() | length }}"

Unfortunately, although only 4 processes are running the count seems to print more than 1000s which could be the number of characters in the output.

I also tried the below but this too prints more than the number of processes running.

     - set_fact:
         processdumpcount: "{{ ps_out.stdout_lines | length }}"

I can use command: ps auxwww | wc -l as a solution but prefer solution with a single ps command.

Can you please suggest?


  • You need to check the length of processdump register for the count not ps_out.stdout_lines

      - set_fact:
          processdumpcount: "{{ processdump  | length }}"

    Note that ps_out is holding on to all the processes running on the system and later you are operating ps_out with regex_findall to filter out the matching processes to processdump. you need to take length of processdump register.

    Minimal working example:

    My system process counts:

     ps auxwww |wc -l
     ps auxwww |grep -E ".*httpd.*|.*sjsws.*|.*java.*|.*docker.*|.*node.*" |grep -v grep |wc -l


    - name: Sample playbook
      connection: local
      #  gather_facts: false
      hosts: localhost
        grepelement: ".*httpd.*|.*sjsws.*|.*java.*|.*docker.*|.*node.*"
      - name: "Check processes on destination"
        ignore_errors: yes
        command: ps auxwww
        register: ps_out
      - set_fact:
         processdump: "{{ ps_out.stdout | regex_findall(grepelement) }}"
      - set_fact:
          processdumpcount: "{{ processdump  | length }}"
      - debug: msg="{{ processdumpcount }}"

    Above playbook would result in:

    PLAY [Sample playbook] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
    TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost]
    TASK [Check processes on destination] *******************************************************************************************************************************
    changed: [localhost]
    TASK [set_fact] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost]
    TASK [set_fact] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost]
    TASK [debug] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => {
        "msg": "3"
    PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    localhost                  : ok=5    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0