Does there exists a PowerShell Escape function to replace control characters (as e.g. a carriage return) with Special PowerShell Characters?
(Similar to the Regex.Escape(String) Method
for escaping special regex characters)
Or is there a smarter way to do this than the self-answer?
(I am less concerned with the Unicode escape sequence: `u{x}
Using a regular expression callback:
$Backtick = @{}
foreach ($Char in '0abefnrtv`'.ToCharArray()) {
$Backtick[$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString("``$Char")] = "``$Char"
$SpecialCharacters = '[' + (-Join $Backtick.get_Keys()) + ']'
function Escape($Text) {
[regex]::Replace($Text, $SpecialCharacters, { param($Match) $Backtick[$Match.Value] })
Escape 'Test