
TextField is hiding under the keyboard when focused

I have a problem with TextField that is hiding under the keyboard, I've found the answers for the similar question here, but they are not helping me in my case. I have a LazyColumn with the list of different composables in it, and when I have not enough elements in the window for scroll to be activated, focusing on TextField is not lifting up focused TextField above keyboard. Keyboard just hides it. My code:

val listState = rememberLazyListState()
typealias ComposableType = @Composable (Int) -> Unit
val uiList = listOf<ComposableType>( {IconButton}, {Text}, {CustomTextField(listState,it)}, {CustomTextField(listState,it)})
LazyColumn() {
    itemsIndexed(uiList) { index, ui ->

val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
CustomTextField(scrollState: LazyListState, position: Int) {
        modifier = Modifier.onFocusEvent { focusState ->
            if (focusState.isFocused) {
                scope.launch {

So, for example if i have 10 CustomTextFields in my uiList, scroll works when one of TextField is focused. But when there are only 2 TextFields in the uiList, focusing on either of them does not lift up them above keyboard.

Also I tried using RelocationRequester() and used Column with scroll instead of LazyColumn, none of it helped.


  • It's a combination of things...

    1. You need to add this in your activity's declaration in Android.xml
    1. Use BringIntoViewRequester as modifier in your TextField as you mentioned.
    1. The steps above worked for me when the component gain focus programatically (using FocusRequester). However, when the user taps on the TextField, it didn't work for me. So I implemented a workaround (which I'm not very proud of): when the TextField gain focus, I wait a bit to use the RelocationRequester. So I added this modifier to my TextField.
    .onFocusEvent {
        if (it.isFocused) {
            coroutineScope.launch {

    These three things worked for me.