
SAPUI5 - sap.m.Input: Will it automatically invoke a soft(virtual)-keyboard if running on the proper device?

As we can see in the manifest file of each SAPUI5 application, there is the array of device-types, which usually has stuff like this inside:

    "sap.ui": {
    "technology": "UI5",
    "icons": {
        "icon": "",
        "favIcon": "",
        "phone": "",
        "phone@2": "",
        "tablet": "",
        "tablet@2": ""
    "deviceTypes": {
        "desktop": true,
        "tablet": true,
        "phone": true

I am developing my first SAPUI5 application right now, and I wonder, if the runtime or core somehow knows, when to invoke a virtual keyboard (like on tablets, smartphones and other touchscreen-only devices), and then just simply does it.

Since I am not able to BYOD to test it in my current setup, I wanted to ask in here, if my assumption is right or not.


  • UI5 is at the end only a webpage. Every input on any webpage (e.g. just open amazon) opens the keyboard; if the input is focused.

    What exactly happened depends heavily on your browser, device, etc.

    If you are ever in doubt and your company is not allowing BYOD and if there aren't any other touch devices (convertible notebooks) you can at least use the examples on your private device.

    Off-topic - If you have a MAC-Book you can also spin up the iphone emulator from xcode and access localhost.