I'm trying to set up my first SageMaker Studio so my team and myself can run some post processing scripts in a shared environment but I'm having issues.
I've followed the steps in this video(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiDHCWVrjCU&ab_channel=AmazonWebServices) which are:
In the video, he clicks submit and is taken to the control panel where he starts the next phase of adding users, however I'm greeted with this error.
I've checked my Registered domains under route 53 and it says No domains to display, I've also checked my S2 and I have no instances so I have no idea where the 2 domains being utilized are.
My dashboard, image and Notebooks are all empty so as far as I know there's nothing setup on this Sage Maker account.
Could anyone tell me how to resolve this error?
You can have maximum 1 studio domain per region, by the default limits. Though, it seems like you have two domains already provisioned. Try to delete all the domains through the AWS cli and recreate with the AWS Management Console.
Unfortunately, AWS Management Console cannot visualize more than one Studio domain.