I have an enum as follows
type Capability int
const (
Read Capability = iota // Read = 0
Create // Create = 1
Update // Update = 2
Delete // Delete = 3
List // List = 4
I want to be able to get the string representation from the enum AS WELL AS parse a string to get the enum.
I get the string from the enum as follows.
capabilityStrs := []string{"read", "create", "update", "delete", "list"}
func (c Capability) String() string {
return capabilityStrs[c]
How do I parse a string into an enum such that a call to ParseString("read")
gives me Read
. What is the Best way to go about this?
Answer based on the comment by @super
var (
capabilitiesMap = map[string]Capability{
"read": Read,
"create": Create,
"update": Update,
"delete": Delete,
"list": List,
func ParseString(str string) (Capability, bool) {
c, ok := capabilitiesMap[strings.ToLower(str)]
return c, ok