How do I check if a process is alive and running or not using Windows' Batch scripting language?
You can use tasklist to check many facets of tasks running and the OLD school training was give your bat files a title for exactly this reason.
First always ensure (and I often forget) use Title in a bat or cmd that is likely to not exit quickly its useful for tasklist as here and on occasion taskkill /t or considered bad if you use /F. Try to use a unique name otherwise editing activate.cmd can show up in notepad and cmd
@echo off & title ACTIVATED
echo Running Activated
You can use other status tests than "running" see tasklist /?
tasklist /FI "WindowTitle eq ACTIVATED" /FI "STATUS eq running" | Find /i "cmd"
REM bad find=2 not found=1 found at least once=0
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo true) else (
echo false)
You may need to use ....ACTIVATED*"
if you want to test for multiple entries etc.